Born in 1989 in Mumbai, Adi Lamror uses painting as a process of deconstruction and understanding of the self, and the space between intent and outcome. Memory, and the errors in storage and recalling of memories plays a central role in his study.

Just like all things material, memories too submit to erosion. They crumble, merge, diffuse into one another, overlap, and reforge into new versions of memories. Time and biology work together to make you question the truth of the experience itself. He paints as a method of untangling, and bringing into light, the emotions bound to those experiences.

He attempts to bring to his process of painting the same principles that apply to his practise of meditation, the attempt to remain present, to bring awareness to the act itself, and through it let the form, colour, texture emerge. The acceptance of a fragmented sense of self, the acceptance of chaos, and the attempts of the ego to find order and beauty in it is central to his work.

With this in mind he uses a variety of mediums and techniques, from acrylic to oil sticks to automotive primers and paints, from knives and brushes to spray guns, to present to the viewer a story of control and chaos, of stillness and noise, and the meaninglessness of one without the other.